Duris Wiki

Image Map with clickable zone labels for individual zone maps derived from Sniktiorg's wonderful "Duris Surface Map"

MyrabolusCharing - Grey Elf HometownThe Forgotten ForestDarkfall ForestThe Haunted WoodsBlackthorne MountainsThe Defense of LonghollowTemple of the SunDarkmore Forest and Quintaragon CastleArciumHigh Moor ForestNever Wind ValleyNeverwinter WoodsThe Faerie RealmsThe Elemental GrovesThe Bandit CanyonsCoastal Highway (Mir)Totem PassageThe Tower of High SorceryFenaline DocksMeophamBroken Blade TavernLylr-MeopShaledrieth (Sunwell)Worm PassageKimordril - Mountain Dwarf HometownAbandoned Elven HomesteadUgta - Barbarian HometownElven PathArtist Colony of HarrowAshrumite Village - Gnome HometownMotte and BaileyThe ShadowclaveThe Bandit CampVillage of SalolThe Village of AkoCanderthal HarborThe Valley of CrushkCloud GiantsDu'maathe CastleOutcast's TowerThe Curse of NewhavenTransparent TowersMoonshae IslandTwin Towers and Twin Towers ForestMount SkelenakTentro VillageGolden Halls of the CrownArbre's ForestPits of CerebusDesolate (Master's Test)Vella's BordelloTharnadia - Human HometownTharnadian RuinsThe Fisherman's WharfJenna's WaystationThe Twisted WoodsWoodseer - Halfling HometownThe Rift Valley JungleThe SavannahWellvolen - City of WemicsVillage of New HopeNizariPit LionsSpider PassageCimmerian NomadsTorhanFog Enshrouded WoodsTurolopolis RuinsFarseer OutpostLareth - SunwellPassage of LightGC EM Sniktiorg
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